Dr.Y.S.R. Horticultural University Andhra Pradesh

25% of Alumni fund fee collected from each student at the time of final semester is being maintained at University level for various alumni activities. A total of Rs. 2.63 lakhs of accumulated during the year 2009 Alumni fund at is being maintained at University level as alumni fund.

  Conduct meetings for sharing their experiences at the time of convocation by inviting the alumni and also arranging gust lectures by the Alumni higher positions.

  Making of MOUs with certain organizations for the benefit of the alumni.

  Conduct of one day seminar on various aspects at the time of convocation of the University


Dr.Y.S.R. Horticultural University,
West Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh
Pin : 534 101
Ph       :  +91-8818 - 284311
Fax      : +91-8818 - 284223